Guest Post: 9 Ways Pilates Can Take Your Health and Wellbeing to the Next Level

guest post movement & exercise Apr 20, 2023

I am so excited to have our first guest post here on the blog and to kick it off I have my dear friend and Pilates guru Kirsti from Kirsti Pilates To You.


Kirsti and I met at a networking event in 2022 and from there went on to host a local wellness event in our city of Melbourne. She has been teaching pilates for over ten years and has a passion like no other for helping people find joy in their body again and living their best life.


In this post, Kirsti gives you nine ways pilates can take your health and wellbeing to the next level.


Pilates is a form of exercise that has gained immense popularity over the years, and for good reason.


Not only does it provide physical benefits, but it can also have a positive impact on your mental health and overall wellbeing. Here are some reasons why Pilates is so important for your health and wellbeing. 


1. Improves Posture

Good posture isn't about looking good or being "proper", it's actually an incredibly important component to keeping ourselves pain free and healthy. When we have poor posture or postural imbalances, our whole body suffers: joints and muscles and ligaments start doing things they weren't "meant" to do to try and compensate, which causes pain.


One of the key principles of Pilates is proper alignment and posture. Through regular practice, Pilates can help you become more aware of your body and improve your posture.

By strengthening your core muscles, Pilates can also help alleviate back pain and other postural imbalances. For example, a lot of us either sit at desks, in cars or hang forward over children, the washing, or the stovetop. All this sitting and forward and rolling of the upper body can bring the body out of its ideal alignment, potentially leading to pain.


Pilates helps you develop better posture habits that can translate to more joy of movement in your everyday life.


2. Builds Strength and Flexibility

When we have the right balance of strength, stability, and flexibility, our body just MOVES better. When we move better, we feel better- no matter what we’re doing. Pilates works your entire body, improving your overall strength and flexibility. You’ll feel it after your first session: you can walk a bit taller, you sit more comfortably, you don’t ache as much in bed. These gains are cemented with consistent practice.


3. Enhances Mind-Body Connection

Pilates is a mind-body exercise that emphasises concentration and focus. By connecting your mind to the muscle, you can improve your awareness, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your overall sense of wellbeing. In fact it’s a mindfulness practice, like meditation. Pilates is all about being present with what the body is doing and bringing you into the here and now, which leads to clarity and a sense of calm.


4. Increases Energy and Stamina

Pilates can be a challenging workout, but it also leaves you feeling energised and invigorated. Through controlled breathing and movement, Pilates fires up those beneficial neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, which can help increase your energy levels and stamina, helping you feel more productive and focused throughout the day.


5. Helps Manage Chronic Conditions

Pilates has been shown to be beneficial for individuals with chronic conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic pain. This is because Pilates can be tailored to meet the specific needs and limitations of individuals with these conditions, making it a safe and effective way to manage symptoms.

By improving strength, flexibility, and range of motion, Pilates can help reduce pain and improve overall function.


6. Pilates is Low-Impact

Unlike other forms of exercise that may put stress on your joints and muscles, Pilates is a low-impact workout that can be suitable for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. This makes it a great option for those who may be recovering from an injury or dealing with chronic pain. 


7. Pilates is Versatile

Pilates exercises can be adapted to suit your individual needs and goals. Whether you prefer a more gentle approach or want to challenge yourself with more advanced movements, there is a Pilates workout that can be tailored to your specific needs.

Add more springs to increase load, we can increase the pace, we can increase repetitions, we can challenge the points of balance (eg, a moving surface), and we can work with or without equipment. There are lots of ways to mix it up and make it versatile.


8. Pilates is Accessible

Pilates can be practised almost anywhere, from a gym or studio to your own living room. All you need is a mat and some space to move, making it an accessible and convenient form of exercise.


9. Pilates is a Form of Self-Care

Pilates is not just about physical exercise, but also about taking care of your mental and emotional wellbeing. By focusing on your breath, connecting with your body, and taking time to prioritise your health, Pilates can be a form of self-care that can have a positive impact on your overall quality of life. And not just your life. Because we all know that when our cup is full, we can pour more freely in to those around us. 

Overall, Pilates is an excellent form of exercise that can have numerous benefits for your health and wellbeing. Whether you are new to Pilates or a seasoned practitioner, there is always more to learn and discover when it comes to this powerful practice.


So why not give it a try? Your body and mind will thank you for it! If you like what you've read here and are interested in working with Kirsti, you can check out all the ways you can work with her here.


Daily movement is a critical cornerstone of our health and wellbeing and finding what form of movement brings you joy is important. Exercising shouldn't be a chore. It's about creating habits around movement that you enjoy and can stick with for the long term.


Until next time,

Your Health Coach Bethany


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