My War Against Ultra-Processed Foods
Jun 06, 2023
I'm here for the long haul. I'm not just thinking about how I want to feel right now. I'm thinking about how I want to feel in the future, how I want my kids to feel as they grow up and become adults. I'm thinking about how I want our society to see a decrease in chronic disease so we can be free and able do the things that make us happy on this earth.
That is why I'm declaring war on ultra-processed foods.
I believe they are one of the major reasons for the rise in chronic diseases in our western world. I don't care if you are paleo, vegan, whole 30, vegetarian, eat anything or whatever diet or lifestyle you want to follow. What I do care about, is that you consider severely reducing the amount of ultra-processed foods you choose to eat.
If you'll indulge me, I want to talk about this pressing concern that threatens our health and well-being: the dangerous rise in our consumption of ultra-processed foods.
These products have infiltrated our diets and taken over our grocery store shelves, contributing to a host of detrimental effects on our bodies and minds. My mission is to empower you with knowledge about food so you can make informed choices about what you eat. Of course no one is perfect and I'm not saying to never eat ultra-processed foods again. Hell, I won't even swear off of them myself. We are human and sometimes there is a place for them, in moderation of course.
However, what I want is for you to be informed so you know what you are eating. Knowledge is power and when you know better, you can do better!
Allow me to help uncover the truth about how ultra-processed foods are made, understand their impact on our brains and bodies, and recognize their significant role in the alarming surge of chronic diseases. Brace yourselves for an eye-opening journey into the world of ultra-processed foods!
Understanding Ultra-Processed Foods:
Ultra-processed foods, as the name suggests, are not merely your regular processed foods; they are heavily manipulated, loaded with additives, and often contain little to no nutritional value. They typically consist of a myriad of artificial ingredients, preservatives, refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and synthetic flavorings. These products often come in flashy packaging, promising convenience and taste at the expense of our health.
Now on a human element, I'm a parent. I'm a working mom with three young children and you know what? Sometimes convenience does win out. Sometimes my kids do get pre-packaged or fast food that is convenient. That is just the world we live in.
However, I have educated myself on what these foods are made of and I am also continually educating my children so that they are empowered to make an informed choice. As they come to understand the dangers of ultra-processed food, it is my hope they will choose it less and less and choose more to fuel their brains and bodies with food that makes them feel good.
Now let's take a look at what these foods do to our brains and bodies.
The Devastating Impact on Our Brains and Bodies:
Research has shown that the consumption of ultra-processed foods can wreak havoc on our brains. A study conducted by PLoS One in 2017 found that higher consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with an increased risk of depression among adults.
The excessive amounts of added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives found in these products can disrupt the delicate balance of neurotransmitters, leading to mood imbalances and cognitive impairments.
Moreover, ultra-processed foods are notorious for their negative impact on our bodies. They are often calorie-dense, yet nutrient-poor, leading to excessive weight gain and obesity. A study published in the British Medical Journal revealed a significant association between ultra-processed food consumption and obesity, emphasizing the need for dietary changes to combat this epidemic.
The excessive intake of these foods also raises the risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer, as highlighted in a review published in the Journal of Nutrients. This information surely isn't new, and it's something that I bang on about often. Consistent consumption of ultra-processed foods over time will lead to these diseases.
The Culprits Behind Ultra-Processed Foods:
To truly grasp the dangers of ultra-processed foods, it's important to understand how they are made. I saw a documentary on the BBC a few months ago and it was astounding at what they put in these foods that chemically alter our brains, literally creating new neural pathways that seek out the junk!
These products undergo a series of industrial processes, including extrusion, hydrogenation, and excessive heating, stripping away the natural goodness of whole foods. They are often produced in large factories where synthetic additives are used to enhance flavor, texture, and shelf life.
The result? A tantalizing package of empty calories that leave our bodies starved for essential nutrients.
Breaking the Cycle and Prioritizing Health:
Now that we have shed some light on the detrimental effects of ultra-processed foods, it's time to reclaim our health and prioritise wholesome nutrition. Like I always say....Eat. Whole. Foods!
By reducing our consumption of these products and embracing whole, unprocessed foods, we can fuel our bodies with the vital nutrients they need to function optimally.
Choosing whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats is the first step towards reclaiming our well-being. Make it a priority to cook more meals at home. Try avoiding pre-packaged convenience foods and opt for either whole food snacks like fruit, veggies and nuts or make some simple and delicous snacks (you can download my free whole foods pantry guide for ideas!).
We can regain control of what we put into our bodies. We have a choice and we are the product of our choices.
Perhaps try seeking out local farmers' markets, or signing up to a community service agriculture (CSA). Could you start growing your own produce? Or maybe it's just as simple as reducing the amound of takeaway you get. Empower yourself by learning to read ingredient labels so you can make informed choices and gradually eliminate ultra-processed foods from your diet.
The rise in consumption of ultra-processed foods has had a devastating impact on our brains, bodies, and overall health. However, armed with knowledge and the determination to prioritize our well-being, we can break free from this unhealthy cycle.
Let's choose nourishment over convenience, quality over quantity, and reclaim our health one wholesome bite at a time.
Until next time,
Your Health Coach Bethany
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