Let's Talk About Stress

stress management Feb 23, 2023

Stress is a funny one when it comes to health.


When we think about our health, we normally think in terms of diet and exercise as the two things we need to work on in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, being aware of stressors and knowing how to manage stress is gaining momentum (as it should), when it comes to looking after our health.


I am a great example of this. If you ask me, I'm pretty good with what I eat and how much I move my body. I mostly eat a whole foods diet and I move my body in some way every day, from walking, skipping, strength training or yoga.


However, when it comes to managing stress, this is where I am challenged most and I have yet to prioritise this area of my health (more on my journey in another post).


For today, I want to walk you through what stress is, including the physical and mental effects of it and also give you a few tips on how to manage stress in your life. Don't worry, I will be taking some of my own advice here too.


First let's start with, what is stress?


Stress is a normal physiological response to perceived threats, challenges or demands. It is a natural part of the human experience and has evolved as a mechanism to help us respond and survive in times of danger. However, in today's fast-paced and demanding world, stress is increasingly becoming a persistent part of daily life. This prolonged and persistent stress can have a significant impact on the body, both physically and mentally.


Let's take a look at some of the physical effects of stress:


  • Cardiovascular system: Stress can increase heart rate, blood pressure and cause blood vessels to constrict. This can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure.
  • Immune system: Stress can weaken the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight off infections and illnesses.
  • Digestive system: Stress can cause digestive problems such as indigestion, acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  •  Reproductive system: Stress can cause problems with fertility and sexual function, and can impact the menstrual cycle in women.


I do believe our diet has a lot to do with the chronic diseases our society faces, however, I have personally felt many of these physicall effects of stress, particularly with my immune and digestive system.


Have you ever had tummy troubles and despite eliminating every single type of food that could possibly trigger digestive issues, you still haven't found the cause? It could absolutely be stress! Or maybe you are constantly getting sick, feeling run down, have muscle soreness for no reason? Stress could be impacting your immune system.


What about the mental effects of stress?


  • Anxiety and depression: Chronic stress can lead to anxiety and depression, and can worsen symptoms in those who already have these conditions.
  • Sleep disturbances: Stress can cause sleep disturbances, such as insomnia, which can further exacerbate feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Cognitive function: Stress can impair cognitive function and memory, making it more difficult to concentrate and make decisions.
  • Emotional regulation: Stress can make it more difficult to regulate emotions, leading to feelings of irritability, anger and frustration.


If you've felt any of the above effects, please know you are not alone! In fact, according to the Stress and Wellbeing Survey conducted by the Australian Psychological Society, the majority of Australians feel that stress impacts their physical health (72%) and mental health (64%), however very few reported seeking professional help.


Now we've talked about what stress is and how it impacts our health, let me take a moment to offer a few tips on how to effectively manage stress. 


  • Exercise: Regular physical activity can help to reduce stress, improve mood and promote feelings of well-being. Find the type of movement that brings you the most joy and prioritise and schedule time in your week to do that. I love strength training at home with my biz bestie Danni at The Figure Babes, which is also where you'll find me teaching yoga once per week. 


  • Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help to calm the mind and reduce feelings of stress. Even just simple deep breathing is a form of meditation and can change your overall state of wellbeing. I've recorded a 15 min yoga nidra session which helps to put you into a beautiful state of relaxation which you can find when you click here.


  •  Healthy eating: A healthy, balanced diet can help to support overall health and wellbeing, and can help to reduce the impact of stress on the body. Stick with me here at The Happy Republic and I'll guide you to eating the right foods to support and transform your health.


  •  Sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for overall health and wellbeing, and can help to reduce stress levels. Sleep is an absolute cornerstone to your health so prioritise your sleep by limiting screens at night and making sure you get between 7-8 hours.


  •  Time management: Prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively can help to reduce stress and improve productivity. Stay tuned for more productivity tips here at The Happy Republic.


  • Connect with others: Building and maintaining strong social connections can help to reduce feelings of stress and improve overall mental health. This is one of the secrets of longevity, having a sense of belonging and meaning to life. Surround yourself with people you lift you up rather than drain your energy (even if they are loved ones!).


To wrap this up with a pretty little bow on it, stress is a normal part of life, unfortunately we cannot escape it. But prolonged and persistent stress can have a significant impact on our body and mind. By understanding the impact of stress on the body and mind, and implementing effective strategies to manage stress, you can improve their overall health and well-being.


This goes back to my mission to empower you with knowledge so you can make informed choices and transform your health.  When you know better, you can do better.


Until next time,

Your Health Coach Bethany


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