The Alarming Rise of Chronic Disease

health news Feb 16, 2023

I saw this on the news the other day and I'm sad to say it's not new information for me.


This is the stuff that really ignites my passion to get more information out there. To empower you with knowledge so you can make informed decisions about your health.


Here in Australia, there was an article about how the government isn't doing enough about chronic disease prevention and I couldn't agree more.


We have been preoccupied (understandably) for the last few years about infectious diseases but the silent killer that is growing all the time is chronic disease. And we are basically doing nothing about it.


As a health coach, I have witnessed a significant rise in chronic diseases amongst people (scarily children too) in recent years.


Chronic diseases are long-term health conditions that cannot be cured completely but can be managed with lifestyle changes and medication (I'm a huge advocate for changing lifestyle first before medication). Examples include heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and obesity


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), chronic diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for 71% of all deaths globally. 


One of the major reasons for the increase in chronic diseases is the rise in ultra-processed foods.


Ultra-processed foods are ready-to-eat or heat-and-eat food products that contain a high amount of sugar, fat, and salt, as well as artificial additives such as preservatives, emulsifiers, and colors. Examples of ultra-processed foods include fast food, chips, candy, sugary drinks, and processed meats.


Consuming ultra-processed foods on a regular basis has been linked to an increased risk of developing chronic diseases. A study published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) found that a 10% increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with a 12% increase in the risk of developing cancer.


Similarly, a study published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) found that a higher intake of ultra-processed foods was associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.


The reason why ultra-processed foods are so harmful to health is that they contain very little nutrition and are often high in calories. This means that consuming them can lead to weight gain, which is a major risk factor for chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.


They are also highly addictive. They are designed to be hyper-palatable, which basically means they stimulate the reward centers in our brain and make us crave more of them. I can tell you from personal experience of epic toddler tantrums over lollies.


In addition to ultra-processed foods, lifestyle choices are also contributing to the rise in chronic diseases. Many people lead sedentary lives and spend long hours sitting at a desk or in front of a screen. That's why it is so important to move your body! You don't have to run a marathon, just keep that body moving.


Another big one is stress, which is also a major contributor to chronic diseases. I struggle with managing this myself, hence why I got into yoga and meditation.


The thing is, prolonged stress can also lead to chronic inflammation, which is also linked to many chronic diseases.


If we are not aware of these things and how our current lifestyle choices impact our health, and we are not proactive about PREVENTING chronic diseases, we will be stuck with treating them as we age.


The thing that really scares me, is that if we don't do something to reverse this trend, our children and future generations will be sicker than ours. 


So how do we do it? Start with knowledge. Knowledge is power. When you are empowered with knowledge, you can make informed decisions about what you eat and how you live and in turn transform your health for the better.


When you know better, you can do better.


Here are a couple of articles that have landed in my inbox around this issue and have inspired me to write and share. 


Researchers report dramatic rise in cancer in people under 50 – Harvard Gazette

Sleepwalking into a sicker future - Grattan Institute

Ultra-processed foods may increase ovarian and brain cancer risk (


As always, my mission is to empower you with knowledge so you can make informed decisions about your health. Got questions or comments about this post? Message me via my contact page or DM on Instagram. I'm always here to help.


Love & Light,



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